
I’m the guy washing the windows. Nobody ever suspects the help.

These comments lmao.

They want their father’s approval. They are a bunch of needy man babies who are now looking to Nintendo as a surrogate and not getting the approval they need. So they lash out like this. It is a phase. They will eventually grow out of it and get a job and a haircut.

Now playing

Even bugs bunny knows veterans get treated like shit.

Have you learned nothing from Gizmodo? People don’t like watching list videos. They want the list broken down in the article.


That’s bold.

Because he “sticks it to religion”, that is why he is still a thing. He is one of the loudest atheist voices out there and sometimes just being the loudest is what keeps you relevant. Bill O’Riley is another testament to this idea. You think ol’ papa bear got his following on his white man views alone? I can list you


Survive a nuclear apocalypse? Hell that’s the only way to properly heat them up.

Better flopper that MJ ever was.

Is that the more obvious Michael Jackson or possibly Michael Jordon?

Cause other people are still not letting it go either. I see an “Why Hillary lost the election” article at least once every other day. And it is not even the same article. Like how many times can you re-write that piece? Given that it will still take some time after all these article stop for 45 to stop himself as

If you are looking for a good, new set of expensive clubs for rock bottom prices, I would suggest your local flea market. You will always find some shady character who will have several $2,000 sets that most likely fell off the back of a truck that they will sell to you for $50. I sometimes just buy clubs that have a

This guy with the umbrella is the coolest.

I thought it was a chain of themed restaurants based off the movie. Where they actually have tiny chef rats on staff (for show of course).

I reckon nothing will come of this because in the end, Disney will step in and legally fuck over everybody in this case.

Butts are just smelly boobs without the nipples.

Is that a dude tucking?