
Problem is HeroClix is more similar to chess, relying on logic and strategy. These fighting games rely more on manual dexterity, which is closer to physical sports. Actual combat sports such as MMA and Boxing allow coaching between rounds. Chess does not.

Tennis is one of the few games on this earth that doesn’t allow coaching during the game. Just about every other sport does allow coaching. These include but are not limited to football, soccer, baseball, basketball, MMA, boxing, volleyball, NASCAR, F-1, and so on. If it want to be a mirror of combat sports, then

Because that would make too much sense.

It is just another knock to the arcade fighter community. These children will piss and moan and give any excuse to their losses. Actual martial arts fighters and boxers get advice from their coaches between rounds. This isn’t anything scandalous by any stretch. Just shows how the fighting community is disconnected



Just say, “No. No they were not.” Shake your head, and then leave. You will leave most people stuttering after that.

Which could be said for McCree as well or any other champ for that matter. As it stands right now though, Reaper can kill Roadhog faster than anybody else in the game right now.

Okay I see the 10 AGAINST armor thing now. No you had it right the first time, I just misread it.

The problem is you kept saying that armor regens and applied armor and shield buffs work like health stating “it’s the same methodology as health”. This is just incorrect info. Healing and health in the game implies skills used by champs not limited Reaper (soul collection), Tracer (Rewind), Roadhog (health potion),

Oh yeah, totally forgot the movement thing. However, as I said in another post, it was to point out in terms of her base stats only, she is pretty much back where she started at. Some things got better, others got worse so, so stat wise, she is back where she started. But yes, the matrix rework was definitely needed.

Jak is technically correct. Ability granted armor and shields cannot be healed. What you are talking about is the buff just being reapplied. You cannot get back torbs armor by having mercy heal you or by picking up an health pack. There is as huge difference between granted armor/shields being healed, and granted

Few nits:

I loved that movie!

Them’s fightin’ words.

When I was talking about shields, I wasn’t talking about shields like’s matrix or rein’s wrist shield. I was talking about shield health bars.

If ff was a thing in this game, it would render defense and tank characters pointless. Defense of a choke point and pushing a payload would be impossible. You would just have free for all matches and king of the hill. Might as well be COD at that point then.

Armor doesn’t heal on its own. You are thinking of shields.

Make sure you let overtime run a bit before you do it though. If you do it right away, there overtime clock goes so slow that people will have time to hide and then come back.

She uses the same tech that keeps her allies from being killed by her ult to protect herself as well. Duh.