
Reaper can kill roadhog in about 2 - 3 seconds. Reaper is a fine counter to roadhog.

Oh don’t get me wrong, I still prefer her new self to her old self. Her Matrix rework was something that should have been done since beta. And not dying during her ult is nice. Just pointing out that her base stats were really fucked over more than most people realize. You can really feel the nerf to her guns when you

Hardly. The only stats that are better from her original form is her ult. Her matrix isn’t as wonky as the old version, but isn’t a stat change. Her guns never got a buff and then were nerfed into the ground. She originally started with 100 hp and 400 armor. She then got a tiny 100 hp buff to 200 hp. Then she was

Where is the 100 most influential Mexican Americans list?

I lol’ed

Welp, after a cake pun like that, everybody is gonna want a piece of ya.

not a dick, don’t take it so hard.

I would be down for a Zelda themed Columns.

I remember that. Started using Cammy just because of that costume.

So why hasn’t SF done costume swaps of their characters at this point? They need to make this DLC.

Here is what confuses me. How people like you claim to have a soul. Not saying that you yourself are claiming to have one, just people like you. I doubt you would claim to have one yourself.

Lol. If you say so. You took one passage out of context to prove a point. I read the whole chapter and summarized the end for you. You no doubt didn’t even go back and read it to find out if I was lying to you or not. I know reading comprehension is not a skill available to all, but this chapter was pretty straight

If you read the whole thing, you would see that Jesus himself says this is impossible to do. The disciples then ask how can anybody be saved then? Jesus replies by men alone none can be saved. Only through the Lord is all things possible. Thus they need to follow Jesus and his teachings.

Nah, following Christ’s teaching is remarkably easy. Everything he taught came down to two simples rules. 1. Don’t worship any god other than the one true God. 2. Love your neighbor. Can’t get much more simpler than that. That is all you have to ask yourself whenever you are doing something. Am I worshiping another

Because these people, like most people, fail to RTFM. Most of these people never have even flipped through a bible, much less have read the entire thing. When you fail to read the instructions, you tend to fail at the associated activity.

As someone who knows little about cars beyond the basics, why does this make you angry?

Wow, you are just a dumbass, blind troll. The lawn mowers are driving the cars you stupid dipshit. If you are gonna troll, fucking do it right you moronic asshat.

Are you saying the song you posted is the wrong lowrider song? Because I totally agree with you. That was terrible.