
I bet you are the type that think its okay to wear Indian headdresses because they are hats, just like cowboy hats.

Wait, did you just equate Iron Man with Mexican heritage? Iron Man is white, or Black, depending on the comics you read. At least you could have use Miles Morales in your silly comparison.

Huh. For awhile I figured I really didn’t care much about the whole co-opting thing and wasn’t bothered it. I personally, as a card carrying Mexican, thought the wall idea in this article was hilarious, and I don’t even drink. But then you pointed out the whole rosary thing, and that always makes me want to smack the

This isn’t the first time either. Sadly though, the first time she was insulted for speaking Spanish was by a Mexican in Mexico. We were at a horse track when some random Mexican came up to us and told her she spoke poor Spanish (pretty much a mix of Spanish and English) and that he could tell she was American. She

Adding insult to injury, a guy finishes him off with a canned whipped cream money shot in that gif. Awesome.

Concise and to the point. That is all you need.

Teacher unions are not nearly as strong as Police unions. It is also very possible this school has no union.

Schools give weird classes these days. It is very possible that this person is the school’s yoga instructor.

Nice money shot.

Hot damn people are just honestly blunt and bold these days. Awhile back, my mother was speaking to me in Spanish in line at a Wal-Mart. She was doing this to pester me because I cannot speak a lick of Spanish. I just ignore her and give her weird looks when she does this. Two other women overheard her and commented

This would be more of a need for “different police training” than better. This isn’t an example of police officers failing to adhere to their training. Most likely these police officers followed their training to the letter.

Your second to last sentence. It could be read as you are confused to why a black kid would be given first aid, in an obviously sarcastic tone. Which would make sense if you believed the kid in question was black. It can also be taken as a comparison between the treatment of white people vs black people in these

Did you just skip over the paragraph before that which describes the kid as a white male?

What is your feelings on someone using “could of” instead of “could have”?

I was unaware that you could shred on a violin until this.

Okay this is my only gripe today. If you do try to make any Mexican food today, remember that real Mexicans don’t put sour cream in anything. That is a white peoples thing. Keep it authentic.

That sounds fun. If you want to join in on the fun, you have this Mexican’s blessing. Try not to think about it to hard. Merry Cinco de Mayo!

Well aren’t you a cute little troll. I’m glad to see you are already sufficiently drunk on the day of my people and already spouting nonsense. Happy Cinco de Mayo!

Well technically you weren’t wrong. Considering Texas, California, and some points inbetween was actually Mexico at some point, your dress is not only Mexican, but Western as well. Also I forgive you. Go forth and be ashamed no longer.

Well as a Mexican, I get offended if you don’t wear the sombrero on May 5th. So you are fucked either way now.