Isn't she former Mormon? So she kinda has experience.
Isn't she former Mormon? So she kinda has experience.
I think Julianne Hough would make a fantastic cult follower.
“You, sir, have a national treasure.”
Between Bloomberg and Romney, we need to require presidential candidates to know how to treat a dog.
This seems like a good time to remind everyone that Elizabeth Warren has an awesome Golden Retriever and actually knows how to interact with a good dog.
How in the name of all that exists can he expect to be president when he greats man’s best friend like this. This is unworldly.
Gotta love a bunch of Boomers patting themselves on the back on how well they fucked up the world.
She was working for Trump in 2016, and is doing so now.
Also, can you imagine how much of an insane shitfit liberals would be in if Bernie at all implied he wouldn’t support whoever the nominee ends up being?
She never set foot in the state of Wisconsin after losing the primary to Bernie, and we were the last nail in the electoral college coffin. I gladly voted for Bernie and then for her, but you hit the nail on the head. She made huge mistakes.
Seriously. Hillary Clinton needs to go away and never be heard from again. The last person on earth I want to hear from right now is the petty has-been who managed to lose to the senile reality-show doofus who’s currently being impeached. Accept your part in turning the United States into an international…
Imagine if she channeled all this resentment she has for Bernie against the person who actually beat her in the election?
I said something similar months ago and got hammered! Nice to see it's catching on finally lol
I wish the fuck HRC would STFU. She had 2 runs at the WH and failed to make the ticket and then failed the election. It sucks and we’re left with a huge flaming pile of shit, but goddamn HRC you are NOT helping. I’m done with Clintons. Chelsea better fucking stick to hedge funds and corporate seats and let the idea…
You’ve said all that needs saying here.
Would it kill her to accept an ounce of blame for running a piss-poor campaign and condemning us all to 4-8 years of Trump? Fuck her and the corporate funded jet she flew in on. She’s was and is part of the problem and the best thing she can do to be part of the solution is to go get lost in the woods again.
I think the thing that is pissing Bernie supporters off so much is it’s such a mis-characterization of a man who has given zero indication he would make that calculation from a sexist viewpoint. Sure, I believe there was a conversation about whether a woman would be the right candidate against Trump but the framing…
I like them both but I think instead of letting this matter die the death that is should, Elizabeth further fanned the flames by not shaking Bernie’s hand after the debate. The media loved it and will continue to use this as an opportunity to sow discord among progressives. As usual , she stands to lose more. Her…
This is the pinnacle of pointless discussions about a petty thing. Who gives a fuck if Bernie said that, he is still infinitely less sexist than 45 or Creepy Uncle Joe. You really have to wonder what CNN is doing. It is almost as if they want Drumpfolini to win so that they can have another 4 years of chaos to drive…