
I mean the "no comment" from the Warren campaign tells me all I need to know about this bullshit story. Sheesh it's unreal.

if this qualifies as a smear (lol), how on earth will warren supporters survive trump. 

fucked up that sanders is trying to win a presidential primary campaign, dude

I saw some chatter from pro-Bernie Twitter last night about how this was the death knell for Warren’s campaign, and then actually looked up what had happened and sighed (deeply, in exasperation). I know people like to frame narratives to fit their own viewpoints, but it seems like both sides are just ridiculous in

When people suggest this kind of, uh, extremely basic campaigning — wherein you’re supposed to argue you’re a better candidate than your opponents? — is going negative, I have to assume they’re either completely new to politics or suffering from profound retrograde amnesia. Like Ashley suggested, 2008 makes every

She’s 4-0 against cancer. Problem is cancer only needs to score once.

That’s awesome! Now if the media could keep her name out of their headlines until a Dem wins I’d really appreciate it. Cause I have a mini heart attack any time I see her mentioned. For obvious reasons. 

Measuring support by millions raised really galls me. I understand campaigning takes money, but should it really cost a billion dollars to run for President?

Mayor Pete has no legs with African American women so his chances sink outside of IO and NH.

Cool, start advocating for bike lanes in your city and for e-scoots to be required to use them.

Obviously the candidates can’t do this, but I think their supporters really need to start mentioning the sheer unimportance of the Iowa Caucuses and commit to its results not changing their minds when it comes to voting in their own primaries. It’s only trusted as a barometer because we treat it as a barometer.

It was the only time during the evening that she would address the threat of yet another war

Biden getting the nom virtually guarantees a second Trump term. He hasn’t lost enough of his base, and Biden isn’t going to drive up Dem turnout.

I’m really hopeful from this review and another I read that this will be all KINDS of Showgirls bad, in the best way! And by next Christmas there will be a boxset including drinking games and accessories for group sing along watches!

Why don’t they have cat eyes!?! Would it have helped make it less weird? Probably not but still...they should at least have cat eyes! Cat eye contacts are easy to buy.

And interestingly, M. Mendoza Ferrer(1 of the people who compiled the list) is now accusing Cenk of Katie Hill nude memes when I cannot find that tweet from Cenk himself.

What I can tell from watching TYT since 2018 (An observation from a person of another country).

Yeah he only joined the MLK rallies to support white people.

It’s sad that you hear the criticism that he doesn’t stand up against sexism or racism specifically that way. 

god forbid we actually accept people’s heartfelt apologies about things they did half a lifetime ago...
And I love that 4 years later, people’s biggest criticism of Bernie Sanders is STILL “too many men like him and I don’t like men”