I loved the use of Radiohead's 'The Daily Mail', too.
I loved the use of Radiohead's 'The Daily Mail', too.
Hannibal is worth sticking though. It might have the most satisfying ending I've ever seen.
This was my reaction exactly. Where's the love?
Though I'm delighted American Gods is rightfully here, not a mention of Scene Stealing MVP Pablo Schreiber? Pah.
Legion of the Leftover American(s) Gods in Twin Peaks.
I love Mother Mother, I'm not even sure I realised they'd had a hit, though…
Did Chris Pine shank some guy with two swords?! How is Jason Schwartzman there?!!
Me and my SO have entirely conflicting feelings about Laura, in that I think she's a great character if a terrible person, whilst he thinks she's just bad all round - so when the ice Cream Truck rolled in I was delighted and he was… not.
Jeremy Davies is one of those actors who is immediately enhancing, even in small doses. Daniel Faraday did a lot to rescue the back end of Lost.
Yeah - I was very surprised to find he was a Brit seemingly fresh out University (the same one I studied at, no less!)
Hilarious and awful.
This ensemble is truly awesome, finally getting all of them more or less in the same place really, really brought that home.
Upvoted for username/comment synergy!
So someone asks him if he'd be up for this and… we're going to give him crap like he's out there spearheading a campaign or something?
Well, at least you gave it a fair shake and saw it through. Fair play to you.
I'm so devastated there isn't immediately more of this. At first I was just treating this as filling the void after the end of Legion but I ended up loving it more.
I'd watch the hell out of that. Occasional appearances by SalimNotSalim and the ravens.
I'm really going to miss it. Making us wait at least a year for more Mad Sweeney seems cruel. Can we just bribe Pablo Schreiber to do a web series where he complains about stuff and curses somehow?
Quite probably - I'm not Irish myself but know a fair few, so can't say I'd know enough to suggest whether that criticism is warranted or not. If I had any real comment it would be that it was quite wandering to my ear, with a few different regional accents in there.