You know when you read a phrase too many times and it starts to look weird?
You know when you read a phrase too many times and it starts to look weird?
Wait are you serious or is this a joke because I love Skunk Anansie.
My favourite game of all time, bar none. Still totally stupid. Borderline unplayable. Utterly wonderful.
The Dawning of the Age of Titus.
Wait, this wasn't the terrible casting suggestions thread?
First is Samurai Champloo though right?
James Franco IS Spike Spiegel.
Ugh, that line about every bullet fired in a crowded movie theatre gave me shivers. Vulcan was a horrible window. On the nose, but, some anvils need to be dropped.
As a generally huge Mark Lanegan fan, I've been seriously enjoying how much he's getting used here.
Technical Boy's a brit too.
I'm pretty sure since the beginning - a nice big clue in plain sight.
Thiiiiiiiiiis. Someone I know hates this movie because 'there's no plot' - and trying to explain to them precisely why that is a) wrong, and b) missing the big picture about film as a visual storytelling medium, became such an incredibly painful conversation I gave up.
Cancel The Ranch! Take Flaked! Cancel me instead!
I agree that, fundamentally, to make Danny work they needed a different story.
He sure had a whoooole lot of screen time for a guest star.
Word. I'd happily watch Ward Meachum do paperwork for eight hours.
I'm quite fearful for Sense8. Its expensive, and less buzzy. Can't we just get rid of The Ranch given all the, y'know?