
Davos really really should've been in this show from like, episode 6. I don't think I can say this enough.

Oh man, that would have really worked, and provided better foreshadowing for Bakuto.

Things you didn't know you wanted until someone suggests it…

See, now I just want at least one episode of the Defenders to just be the top tier ensemble players (Claire, Ward, Hogarth, Trish, Misty, Foggy even) just dealing with the real world fallout of some superhero shit and bitching about it.

Ugh, I know.

I honestly can't see them going for Misty/Danny in the Defenderverse, I think you're safe.

I think that was what fiiinally got me on board with Danny/Colleen. It was very natural, and light, and fun.

Manipulating his poor kids even when he's about to die. What a champ.

Man, Harold's the worst dad, even in the face of certain death. I never warmed to Bakuto or his performance, but it was satisfying that Colleen got to take him out in an appropriately rainy death-fight, followed up by that (pretty good!) Davos/Danny showdown.

Sadly true. As a Brit, I'm regularly suprised by some performances that get a pass. Hell, I blame this entirely for Downton Abbey being a thing.

Honestly given the backlash / discussion even before Danny was cast, you would think at some point, they'd give the scripts an 'unfortunate implications' run through. Every writers room needs a ' is this tone deaf?' editor.

The last two tie Danny back into Ward and Joy, for what it's worth, and it's at least worth watching their scenes, but I'll admit that by the end, I pretty much was only watching for them. I don't have much other defence for the rest, though.

I thought Bakuto was pretty terrible, and you have accurately articulated why.

Probably, but I've seen people forgive some truly terrible performances hidden behind a British accent.

Hee, neat.

Ward immediately going to jail would be the perfect cherry on top of the shit sundae that is his life. Harold, fucking everything up for Ward from the grave. Again.

They could go to AA and hate everything together!


You know, we keep using budget to explain why we aren't seeing it, but there's plenty of creative ways to tell the story without actually showing it on screen. Screw it, make it the opening animation.

Yeah, I see where you're coming from. I guess we better get Ward in some self defence classes then, no way you jettison one of the most well received members of your ensemble. You could get him using those Banshee skills too, then, win win. I suppose with Joy being set up as an antagonist, ugh, there's probably a good