
I am pretty intrigued what will happen now with Rand, given that arguably the person who wanted it the least, Ward, is left 'holding the baby', so to speak. Its tragic that, even in killing his father, Ward is still saddled with his legacy and the path he gave him, but he also seemed to recognise that opportunity has

Davos is a good, well defined character who deserved more episodes.

Joy: "Great! Now that's how you swing your 51% shareholder dick around!"
Ward: "Just let me leave."

I might have cared more if I had any idea what Rand actually does. Or how they managed to vote out a 51% shareholder.

So… Manos, the hands of fate.

'Oh geez, just, stop crying, please. Look - here - you can be The Iron Fist! Isn't that better?'

Petition to move Colleen Wing to Luke Cage and Ward Meachum to Jessica Jones and/or Daredevil.

Honestly, I love Carpenter as much as the next guy, but we need to kill this trend so much.

Making Danny the Jerry would do wonders for his likability.

It's very, very Tron Legacy. That's about the only thing I liked about it.

Its very open minded of you not to make the obvious assumption based on the name 'Caroline' up there on the byline.

Sorry, Manimal, but I fear you may be disappointed that in the end, this show is just 'fine'. Now, if we could have a separate grade for the last five minutes or so…

Drugs though? Toooooonnes of them.

I swear, he's never, ever done that in a scene with her. It really threw me off when she said that.

Unfortunately I think the show ultimately falls down on the side of average. Not as bad as the drubbing it got, but not really good enough. It doesn't help that it doesn't have any real stylistic flair to make up for the weaker parts (Like Luke Cage - I don't really hold Colter's performance up particularly high, but

Upvoted for username/comment synergy!

This is me also.

I loved that too. Colleen saves herself, dammit.

Davos does a lot to salvage this episode, but I can't say it enough times, we desperately needed his presence to snap Danny's character into focus episodes and episodes ago. The ending with Danny and Colleen was pretty cute, though.

This would be amazing, but let's be honest with ourselves, I'd give it three episodes before Ward has inadvertently got the kid addicted to heroin.