
Worst Iron Fist ever indeed.

He's an 'exact words' sort of guy. After all, they're his best weapons.

We should've known from all the red clothing, really.

Ward is the living human embodiment of 'Fuck My Life', I think.

I am… not looking forward to newly resurrected Elektra. This is not something I expected to be saying.

This is definitely a show in need of a better showrunner.

Yeah, this is why I'm sceptical there's anything like genuine love left, not just manipulation. It's an easy out that forgives Ward a lot of sins, but I think there's a lot of truth in his insistence that this is a 'thing' wearing his father's body, not his dad.

I should have laughed less than I did at this.

I blame twitter.

It's… almost like there's a pattern.

Eh, let's be real, Cottonmouth would be on top if the question was ' who did I love more? ' rather than ' who is a better villain?'



I'm so attached. Its ridiculous.

Which is funny, because commenters have been accusing him of sounding like he doesn't really know what he's talking about from the get go.

I have absolutely no idea. Lets be honest, he was probably messing with him there.

Precisely! And it's not like they don't know this is an issue, it gets brought up as criticism for every single one of their shows at this point.

I fundamentally agree with this - I've made the criticism myself that they could all stand to lose around four episodes worth of fat - but truth be told that doesn't really get to the root of the problem. It's really more that every one of these seasons needed to have a tighter narrative, and essentially, I just want

I'm on the fence to whether or not there's any genuine love left, but I like that view of it. Whatever else happens, some bit of Harold still thinks they can just be a family. A really, really screwed up family.

Very true, this is a man who facing certain death, uses his last words to tell Ward how disappointing he is. He might clock him round the head with a golf club, but he still doesn't consider him a real threat, right till the very end. He's only ever been a tool to be manipulated to Harold, even when he compliments him