

Yeah, agreed. As much as Ward immediately standing up the moment his Dad says yes, you can go, made me laugh, he was still drawn back in by the need to protect Joy, making the contrivance more stark.

Excellent reading. Ward's major motivation is protecting Joy, but he just isn't strong enough to keep up the fight. He's been losing from the start, and the tiny reprieve when he killed his dad was just that, a moment of success in a long line of failures.

Yeah, I know Colleen is a lot of people's MVP, but this is part of the reason she just fell short for me. They just couldn't land her character arc and the fallout of being part of The Hand. I kept wanting them to lean even harder into the foil of her being yet another brainwashed child, just like Danny, but once

I swear, if it weren't for the arrival of Davos, I wouldn't have made it through the two Ward free episodes. When he popped up at the very beginning of episode 12 I literally yelled "Ward!" with relief. At least it gave us some progression for Joy, though.

Also, whilst it was fun watching Danny find out new skills… are we really going with the fact that he took Iron Fist completely literally? It's… as simple as opening up his hand?

I wish The Hand were better villains, but they were the worst part of DD S2 also. They are a largely anonymous collective with completely illusive, pointless, confusing motivations. Even taking us into their damn compound did nothing to improve that. Right now they have a large drugs empire, but also the anti-heroin

Yeah, I've attributed a lot of it to Pelphrey up to now (and I still think he's doing a whole lot with not that much), but I've got to admit there's a lot of the best writing and pacing of the whole show in Ward's arc. It still feels like a happy accident to me, because of everything they're doing elsewhere. How have

Hey man, there's some lines we just don't cross.

You know Claire was all "Oh, we're doing this again? Well, Ok." Whilst Gao sat there rolling her eyes with industrial force.

Poor, poor Kyle. Never turn your nose up at free ice cream.

I'm still optimistic that Danny/Jones will hold up in the ensemble with the Defenders. Some of his best stuff was where he was paired with Hogarth, for example, and I feel like that kind of dynamic could be exploited well with him and the other three. If they play to his strengths and Jones gets more training in…

You know, I go on about it a lot, but I can't emphasise enough how great Pelphrey's been in this. I was a little distracted by the hair on a first viewing, but on a rewatch, the initial scene with Danny is wonderful. He could've hammed up his tilt into villainy, like plenty would have, but instead we just watch the

I think in the end the standout episodes were 6/7 and 11/12. Davos really brought a good energy into the show and I wish they'd brought him in sooner. The actor did a great job conveying the background of K'un L'un and the naivete/hostility that would come with that upbringing. He really sparked a lot of chemistry out

The cape knows whats what. Let's be honest, Strange is probably just happy someone has taken the cultural appropriation/whitewashing heat off him for a bit.

Ha, you know Doctor Strange is throwing up his hands all "NOPE, I'm not going anywhere near that, I've got my own problematic crap to handle."

The Meachum drama ends up being more compelling then the main plot, which is a problem. I get why it annoyed people to start, but honestly, we needed it for the second half.

It's < spoiler> whatever you're spoiling < / spoiler> without the spaces.

I loved his reactions in that scene.

You've a good point there. If they'd spent more time labouring over explaining his motivation, as they do with Danny, it would probably be worse. As it is, instead we get probably the best example of show-don't-tell on the show with Pelphrey doing the heavy lifting to connect it. That being said, the Macbeth flashes