

Danny would've benefitted a lot from someone as instantly charming as Nick Zano. That would've been terrible casting too, but you know what I'm saying.

Can confirm.

Honestly, that's why I love these comments sections. I'd rather talk about something that is interestingly flawed than competently alright.

I wish those damn hands would push him over!

No no you were perfectly clear, I was just sounding out general agreement, albeit less eloquently.

Oooooh, yeah, I can see that. Honestly, they just needed someone who's a bit more naturally affable, really.

The writing of Ward's arc is significantly less of a factor for why it works than the acting, lets be honest. If a lesser actor were playing him this escalation would be painful to watch.

I dunno, accompanying a newly minted couple to raid a ninja death cult's heroin factory without a plan would be a preeettty big mitigating factor for me.

What can I say, apparently newly murderous, mid drug withdrawal, and in a horrifying general life tailspin is where I'm at. I blame the polo shirt.

Pretty sure that's his real accent - I liked hearing it, but that's 'cause that's m'family upbringing.

Claire going with them to China was very poorly motivated, but who cares, because Claire being there to lampshade Danny's terrible, terrible plan made it better.

Upvote for username/comment synergy!

Pffft, Ward can't even kill his dad right, what makes you think he'd be able to Lady Macbeth right?

The good thing is that the character has already grown on you by the time you realise Ward is stealthy hot. Ward is stealth in all the ways.

Matt has very clear boundaries, you've got to give him that.

Ha! They really bring out the best in each other. (And by best, I mean character progression and Ward letting his hair down, literally.)

I want him to get all the roles after this, he deserves it.

I love the 'Mr Robot' title, so simple, and used so effectively in every episode. Not to mention having an incredibly satisfying narrative payoff.

Yes, the triumphant arrival of Ward's 'fuck it!' polo shirt! The visual unraveling of Ward being so literally translated into his outfit/appearance is genuinely great.