
Honestly, I'm really surprised by how much they went there. I thought we were getting 'tasteful cut to black' at most for sure.

That's fair, but this is probably the first where my interest in the show was so strongly based on a supporting character. With Luke Cage, Shades and Mariah really helped keep my interest in the second half, but I was still happy with the main plot.

I'm not going to lie, it was around this point in the show that the answer to that question started to be 'Ward'. That's… not a great sign for a show called Iron Fist.

This drove me nuts. Just how. This is not a thing.

Yeah, me too. I went through a full reversal with them and by the end was far more interested in the Meachum side of the plot.

Yeah, yeah he is.

Karaoke assassin was my favourite - I'm sad he went down so easily, but to be fair, it seemed like he didn't have a great plan beyond 'Halberd!'

Carol is, by far and away, the most well developed character on that show. But I think her arc coming out like it did was more down to McBride's strength as an actress than good writing, and lately she's been selling some very poorly motivated shifts. Its perhaps not a fair comparison, in that Carol had seasons to

I feel like Ward/Pelphrey is the Carol/Melissa McBride of Iron Fist. This character arc shouldn't work as well as it does, but he's making it work through sheer force of acting.

Yeah, ineffectual villain and sort of ally Ward is the best Ward. They could go either way with him from here, continue his redemption as CEO of Rand, or watch all his tragic hard work fall apart without Joy. It would be interesting if they flipped them, we've got enough corrupt guys in suits, and a nice stable of

I think generally speaking, Caroline was right with the observation they largely pull off the platonic siblings who only have eachother vibe, which is a tough one. They only really slipped up once I think, when she tugged on his tie and the shot lingered juuuust a bit too long, which worried me a little, but I blame

Yeah, 90% of my comments are love for Ward, but he's not quite deserving of that title.

Oh I was talking about the article - but yeah, I agree. Davos I wish showed up sooner, he sells the backstory better than Jones, and he also sparks a better performance out of Jones. Its a shame there's not more of him.

I just finished the series and understand completely what you mean about that last episode - I was reasonably enjoying the uptick from episode 4 onwards but that last episode, oof. Honestly, aside from the stuff with Ward that episode was really not good, and I didn't like the set up with Joy/Davos/Gao. Not to mention

Maaaaan, there really was a lot of plot holes and nonsense when you lay it out like that, huh?

Oooooh, that would be super interesting! Throws some shading on the theme that he's constantly being utilised as a weapon, and the motivation behind that is not necessarily benevolent. Healing might not be a corruption of the power, but certainly of his teaching.

Amazing! If we get Heroes for Hire, maybe we'll get some variation on this?

Well true, but she was still all 'Frank!' in the finale, so I'm not sure her hearts really in it. Punisher isn't showing up in Defenders, right?

Nah, Matt lost Karen to The Punisher, let's be honest.

There was a point in a later episode where I was so happily caught up in the Meachum plot that, when it cut back to Danny, I was thrown with a "oh, right, Iron Fist" moment.