
The sound design on this show is really not a strong point.

Totally agree with your point on the pharmaceuticals scene - I write about this stuff so now I know how the poor lawyers feel about Daredevil.

Indeed. Jones is taking the brunt of the criticism, but knowing that, it's really got to get directed upwards. Was it because they were rushing to get to the Defenders? Either way, man, that's really unfair.

What?! Wow. Now I just feel bad for him, with that small amount of preparation, he did pretty well really.

Comfort yourself with the fact that if he had, he'd be in this, instead of killing it on Legion.

I turned to my SO and said "To win your next match, use the element that gives life!"

C'mon, its just unfair to try and imagine how well Dan Stevens would have done things.


If I was him, I'd be training like hell right now.

You've got to admit it would be pretty funny if he was just like, super into Sugar Ray, and came back to the world only to be devastated that they aren't a thing any more.

I thought he was terrible in the first episode, but my opinion on that completely reversed as the season went on.

I kind of wish it had gone full Mortal Kombat sooner, myself.

Pelphrey/Ward is by far the best part of the show for me. I've never seen him in anything else.

The story beat only really works if we don't know he's Iron Fist, which of course we do, so it just feels like an arbitrary setback.

I don't know, I mean, there are quite a lot of those two-actor-mid-shot scenes, but not nearly enough storming out into corridors.

I agree that the length of the seasons has been the enemy of all of these series - it led to a flagging middle for JJ and weak final stretches for DD S2 and LC. I suppose, as a sort-of-but-not-really silver lining for IF, it at least gets its bloat out of the way at the start?

I now choose to believe he had shoes when he landed, had to take them off at the airport, and didn't realise he could get them back.

Well, damn, that would've livened up these first few episodes.

This episode was probably the worst of the lot. I spent the whole thing just waiting, patiently, for Danny to sort out that atrocious beard.

I started watching this show after catching up on the last two episodes of The Flash (sigh). I'm going to put about 40% of the fact that I was so willing to give this show a pass on its first two episodes because honestly, compared to The Flash at the moment, this is Shakespeare.