
Jughead's writing gives me terrible embarrassed flashbacks to the kind of thing I used to think was super deep. I love it.

I'm not going to lie, when the Blossom Search Party showed up dressed like fox hunters, a bit of me fully expected them to break into some kind of West Side Story dance battle.

Well, I guess we can't boil a guy in a hot tub every week. Alas.

I think this might've been my favourite episode so far - I was reallly feeling this one (Skeet! More Skeet please!)

Yeah, that's true. I mean, in an enclosed space with those abs, things can happen. But she's pretty quickly transitioned to fondness. I wonder if that will change now Betty's out of the picture, so to speak?

She's downright nurturing to Archie most of the time, like a fondness, but I also only really see attraction from his direction.

Ack, definitely a missed opportunity there.

Aww, I'll defend this movie forever. Sure the series molded all this nascent stuff into something far more culturally worthwhile, but it's a fun little precursor.

Was it the lack of balls out crazy that left you cold on this ep? I was grateful for the comparative breather and character development, but I get that.

Wait, there's going to be a hiatus after this wonderful Jughead fest?!

I think he's pretty great, so you know, opinions differ and all that.

Happy Birthday Whovian! Your consistency in the face of relentless hashtags is admirable.

That seems fair. I will just take your allusions and be excited anyway. Stupid and crazy is exactly what I want from this show.

I know it's definitely helped me get into it - keeps the non US viewers in the conversation. They did the same for Crazy Ex-Girlfriend, which was great.

… Well now I'm intrigued. You uh, got a link there?

Perfect analogy is perfect.

Well that's season two locked down.

The CW laughs in the face of ratings.

Oh hell yes. I think at this point the online/Netflix viewing is probably pretty good, ratings aside.

Smoke machines and hair dye are at least 30% of the shows budget at this point.