
Nope, not really. Like every other curse in the UK, it is entirely down to context.

Karen was on her A game this week - 'I had a dream my boss was nice' followed by fleeing had me snorting.

This film evoked such a strong reaction from the audience I was with that I've very rarely seen - I could actually feel the tension from the people around me, and there were several audible 'oh shit' moments.

Aww man, he was always great, and I loved Albert. :(

Man, Benjamin Clementine is great.

I'll admit I first watched this show because I'd just seen Cute Boy God (aka Kris Lemche) in a film called 'My Little Eye' (also featuring baby Bradley Cooper), so he'll always be my favourite by virtue of getting me into the show.

Yup, there are no monsters, just people. This show has plenty of flaws, but it's been very frustrating how many reviewers (and viewers) either misinterpret, or can't key in to, the central conceit of the show, and that has dominated criticism around it.

And yet, this show can't even get that right.

Yeeeesssss. Perfect.

Any episode with my favourite voices of reason Dr Akopian and Father Brah was always going to be great, but this one was particularly on form. Poor Akopian, one teensy step forward, three Olympic swimming pools back.


It is just so, so much better than the actual theme for Spectre it's untrue.

Very excited about the next season of Mr Robot. I know our television attention spans are short, but I'd be sad if it kind of falls to the wayside after that sophomore season. It's still a great show.

Hey, this is what we come to The AV Club for, right?

I respect your interpretation, although I had a different one. Considering how many 'masterpieces' have come from jilted, nice guy artists who eviscerate their exes in fiction, I thought the point of the framing story (which positioned us with her) was there to put that sort of story into question, and shed light on

That's fair - I thought neither of them came out of it very well, but I felt devastated for her. Perhaps lingering on her crushed expression could be seen as a moment of victory, but to me it was a very sad ending. A Pyrrhic victory for a jilted lover.

You're talking about the manuscript? I thought it painted a very sad, very 'Nice Guy' picture of the author, whose sole effort after his breakup was a tropey, misogynistic, potboiler intended to take revenge on his ex with a guilty conscience. I don't think the film wanted us to be sympathetic to that, though.

I love Emily Blunt as much as the next person, but The Girl on the Train was awful.

"Joe is a maleable piece of clay that has no convictions and is too believable as the type of American who goes with the flow and doesn't care unless it affects him personally" nails perfectly why I'm a defender of the character. Using a character who looks like, and has all the hallmarks of, a hero for such a

He was great in Nocturnal Animals.