
My go to comfort dish when I lived out there was udon, fried egg, kewpie mayo. Not healthy, but really, really good.

I thought this was just a random, pretty unremarkable genetic thing? Coriander tastes like soap to me, but I'm not going to hold that against it. I get that it doesn't taste like that to other people.

Probably both the best and the worst thing anyone could say about it, really. I think I found the frustration of there being a much better film somewhere in there worse somehow. On the other hand, better to be interestingly flawed than boringly competent.

You know what I really liked? The blast effects on the cars from the big bad, that were clearly practical effects. I'll admit there's very few visual details like that I've ever seen in the MCU.

Well sure, but counterpoint: he's got that sweet metal arm going on.

I agree with that - I'd have far rather have a movie that fully committed to following through on the Bucky-Cap plot, but I can appreciate that to some that sounds unappealing because they're not interested in Bucky or that relationship. Whilst I'm more than happy to praise Civil War for actually pulling off all of

I don't really get the Bucky hate, but either way, I thought the tying together of the resolution of that plot with the whole civil war side of things was a pretty decent way of keeping it a Cap movie, not just an Avengers follow-up, it's just that this was probably the Cap movie that felt like just a straight action

I don't get it. It's got delightful musical recaps, crazy spacebug politics, head explosions, The Cars, Aaron Tveit…. what's not to love, AV Club?

Why is this show going so ignored? It's great.

Which is part of why it is so great!

I can't believe I forgot Mr.Poopybutthole!

For me its a close call between humble fabulist Garth Marenghi and "Yes I can hear you Clem Fandango!"

Or any flashbacks to Luke Skywalker.

Matt Ryan for Constantine or bust.

Excellent article!

She really is. Do you also sort of hate Rory now? Teenagers are kind of the worst.

JCVD is right up there with my all time favourite films, and man, this opening scene is good.

Well sure, but haven't you heard about how all of these superhero movies are ruining cinema, anyway?

Gilmore Girls
When I was younger I dismissed it because I was watching the much less interesting story of Rory pursuing her academic dreams etc, but on a rewatch, I noticed the much better show about a misfit single mother trying to raise her kid whilst rebuilding her relationship with her own estranged family.

So… we're going on in on him based on a tumblr post of a fans interpretation of what he said at some event?