
I liked Jared Leto's Joker, so I should probably leave the Internet now, huh?

Not that I can make much difference, being in the UK, but I have to admit I've felt less compelled to watch this season straight away.

Well this got me digging out both volumes from my CD collection for a bit of nostalgia - I listened to this pretty damn extensively when I was younger, even though I really wasn't that into the film.

It was kind of a given, but I'm happy its confirmed anyway. So, before or after the Black Panther credits?

I'm sad Eccleston only had one series, too. His performance and his relationship with Rose were wonderful, and she as a companion never worked as well with Tennant in my opinion.

I love this. Especially Olivia Coleman's dig about being in everything.

Oooh, thanks for this!

Yeah, I'm still pretty ticked about that. It would be such a waste if they don't get him back for at least one multi Doctor special. He still looks fantastic (I saw him in a play not too long ago and I can attest that the man has aged enormously well) and it would be totally feasible. I'd love to see him contrasted

Man, McGann is beautiful. Eight is my favourite Doctor, despite his poorly regarded debut, and I'm still hoping against hope that there's a chance he could be included in a future crossover event - he still looks the part, and whilst he's been a truly fantastic Doctor in the Big Finish audios, I'd love to see him on

Ditto. It just sounds like a hug in music form.

That Rufus Wainwright version is awesome, though.

I must have rewatched that scene a bunch of times, it really has stolen that song for me.

Man, even a fraction of that kind of ballsy self awareness would go a long, long way.

I turned off the second episode of 'Blacklist' the moment that song started up. It didn't even get my usual three episodes rule to improve. Nooope.

Someone once said to me that people can only have really strong opinions about things they know nothing or little about.

If Sucker Punch couldn't get Snyder's worst impulses out of his system, perhaps only this would, Dirtbike.

Oh no, look what we've done to Captain Positive!

Yeah, I couldn't agree more - at this stage, surely, it should be clear that emulating the Marvel/Disney model isn't working? With such big name characters it should be astoundingly easy to recreate Nolan's model, instead. Individual franchises focused on big name characters with a clear, focused vision.

I'm absolutely stealing the phrase 'pup in this party'. That's amazing.

Pffft, 'Touch' from Daft Punk's RAM was excellent.