
No Hallelujah?

Well this is disappointing. This film always looked like a hot mess, but I was genuinely hopeful it would be better than the sum of its parts. As always Ignatiy has managed to find something worthwhile, though. Wonderful review.

Well damn, that was ballsy. That montage crossed the line so many times it circled right back to hilarious, it was so dark. (The poor mascot and his boyfriend). And Fiore! He looked so devastated.

I adore this theory. I did wonder about that line from DeBlanc suggesting he'd been in Hell before, and the 'my dear' did strike me as very affectionate in a sort of married way.

The ''Hell" title card was worth the build, in my opinion.

Oh man, you're totally right about the star-crossed lovers. That's amazing.

I've been enjoying the ride without much concern about where this was going, necessarily, but seeing the pieces start to fall into place this episode was very satisfying. I really liked the way the reality of the Cowboy's situation started to unravel - that slowly building ramp up escalating to a flurry of images was

I'm surprised by its absence too - I've been enjoying the hell out of it so far. The motel fight alone should warrant it a mention.

Whilst I did enjoy the first two or three episodes fine, I really felt like the show hit an upswing at about episode 8/9 and kept improving from there. As it went along it had more time to unspool my assumptions and flesh out its cast of characters until I couldn't help but find them all at least understandable, if

Even at its least focused, Penny Dreadful had thirty times the coherence and focus of American Horror Story. AHS can barely stand to let a shot sit for a minute, let alone a sequence, and Penny Dreadful was far more comfortable with its pacing than that. Not to mention the comparative eloquence of the writing.

Pfft, there's still like, complaining about the lack of Game of Thrones, Taylor Swift, Pokemon Go…

IMDB comments are about 1% actual discussion, 99% trolling, bigotry and Marvel Vs DC wars.

That venn diagram is depressing as hell.

Just got back from Ghostbusters and I really enjoyed it, it had a bit of third act fatigue but it was funny and sharp, and for once I was actually impressed by how neat the effects looked.

As others have said above, I'd say not liking the comic might mean you'd like it more. I've definitely seen a more positive response from those who haven't read the comic (and are therefore coming at it with no expectations), or from those who were more critical of the comic (and therefore more accepting of

The score took a definite turn for the unnerving, particularly in that last scene between Elliot and Mr Robot. It was very industrial/Akira Yamoaka-ish. I wonder if we'll hear the return of the triumphant season one motif any time soon…

My thoughts also.

I thought the 'wife' was code, so that would be interesting - an FBI contact?

Finally got round to finishing this episode, and man am I happy this show is back. It's just so beautiful to watch.

I've just finished the Netflix binge too - but I think I'm more optimistic on where this is going.