
Season 3 really was Fringe's best, the jumping between worlds worked like gangbusters and gave Torv so much more to do with her excellent performance.

We have the first version too! The video game specific one, although that version can be a bit too insular for more general friendship groups. It really does make for a good party/ hangout game. I've only really encountered one person who didn't get along with Metagame, and that was mostly because they were somewhat

Eugeeeene! That socked me. He really is the heart of the show at this point, and I was also totally expecting something awful to happen to him throughout with the other kids. I am furious with Jesse.

Bad Medicine sounds both very fun and quite hard to pitch to your friends. I'd definitely buy it though.

Great news! It would be a cruel shame to be robbed of more of Joe Gilgun's excellent Cassidy, and I'm pretty happy with the build so far.

Whilst I definitely think the Left need to stop labelling everyone who voted Leave as a racist, the onus is on Leave supporters now to reject those who have taken the outcome of the vote as an opportunity for prejudice.

Absolutely right. It's killed debate among peers, which in my opinion had more of a real effect on voters than the figureheads of either side of the debate, and warps poll results.

I think that's true, but Boris is now staring down the barrel of actually having to be the man to pull this off. Cameron has made the next leader, essentially, responsible for triggering Article 50, with everything that entails.

Everything you've said about Labour is dead on, and exactly why I agree Corbyn isn't the right choice for the party right now. Labour needs to have someone who can address the concerns of the disenfranchised and those who feel their voices have been lost. They totally failed on this, and Corbyn in particular, will

I keep trying to find a silver lining.

How, exactly?

Yes, I'm so very glad we made this decision from such a well informed perspective.

Thank you for your sympathy. I think we (at least the young Remain voters I've spoken to and myself) feel like we're in limbo, about to get dragged into the consequences of a decision we didn't make.

'Every Planet We Reach Is Dead' is a damn good piece of music, and my favourite Gorillaz track.

The bane of every younger sibling was being Tails. At least you let your sisters have some of the glory!

I'm inclined to agree with that. At least he finally paid off just in time for the end!

I wasn't as satisfied with this ending as I was with Hannibal, but, as this is the end, I'll just pay tribute to one of my favourite shows of all time and talk about what I liked.

I prefer Tonight myself, but I'd rank their debut album after that.

Electric Six are one of those bands who have been turning out pretty decent tunes for years while nobodies been looking. 'I Shall Exterminate Everything Around Me That Restricts Me from Being the Master' is wall to wall greatness.

Yeah, I listen to most of them on a fairly regular rotation still.