
So this has a) Lizzy Caplan b) James Bond Villain Daniel Radcliffe and c) Woody Harrelson as his own evil twin in a wig?

She was also pretty pregnant when they were filming this, I think?

A recipe for the worst homecoming dance ever.

I remember reading in an interview somewhere that this incarnation is intended to be much, much older than his book counterpart. I think we got a glimpse of that back in season one when he took Vanessa to get her portrait…. and not really since.

Ugh, I'm so always ready for disaster, even when the episode finishes on a note of optimism I'm bracing for impact.

God help me, I binge watched the first season of American Horror Story this weekend as I had never seen it. This did devolve into my skipping through a fair bit of the final few episodes (this did not radically effect my understanding of the plot).

I was so distracted by The Avalanches re-emerging after sixteen years I missed this!

I would never be able to take anything in my life seriously ever again.

I think Luke Goss' voice as Prince Nuada in Hellboy 2 is probably the loveliest voice I've ever heard.

I've been waiting for more than half of the time I've been alive for this follow up. I am unreasonably excited.

Man, I really don't rate First Class at all. It felt like two different movie scripts slammed into one another with very little grace. The best part (as it has been for all of the new series) was McAvoy.

Yeah, this episode definitely lacked John Logan's touch, and you could feel it. But on the other hand: Brian Cox! That Cox/Dalton conversation was worth everything that preceded it.

Slightly naff high fantasy isn't too much of a problem for me, so that's good to know, as long as its not meandering and dull (see: The Hobbit.)

Genuine question because my SO really wants to watch Warcraft, but would you recommend it to someone who is not too familiar with the lore/world?

And I shall be deeply saddened when he does. I never expected to like Rusk this much.

Ah, gotcha. Sometimes Victor's awfulness is so overshadowing I lose track. So, some rungs higher than Victor on the terrible person ladder, but still on the ladder, indeed.

(Wait, I might have missed something. Do we know Jekyll is a multiple murderer?)

Super late response, but I was sort of wondering if the orderly's death is actually related to his leaving the job? Something about his turning against the practices of the asylum and handing in his notice was raising some 'killed-by-conspiracy' flags for me. All that talk about the cracking open of skulls, and the…

Well I'm sold, that's my long weekend sorted. Thanks for the thoughtful response!

I've just seen an article comparing Doom to Mad Max: Fury Road. Would you call that a reasonable comparison?