
This is now definitely how I choose to see it. Everyone needs a hobby.

Valdes has absolutely killer delivery. A lot of praise gets thrown at Tom Cav and Jesse L Martin, but I genuinely think Valdes is the Flash's actual MVP.

I'm glad I'm not alone in this.

I'm not going to lie, if he's actually dead, that would suck. Roan was my favourite addition this series, and this show needs as many good characters as it can get.

Two-Lane Blacktop is the worst film I have ever seen and I will defend that opinion until I die, dammit.

Under-appreciated: Penny Dreadful, Deadly Premonition, or the movie Penelope.
Masterpiece everyone should know about, but nobody does: the band The Family Crest, and the song 'Chokehold' by Longfellow.

I feel like you just described at least 70% of the internet.

There are a few nerdy cultural touchstones I've just never enjoyed, even though I tried: Evangelion, Harry Potter, Metal Gear Solid.

Even being a kid growing up in England at the height of Pottermania, I have never, ever got the appeal of Harry Potter. I tried to read it, I tried watching the films (because, like every child in England, one of my friends was in it), but maaan. It just doesn't do anything for me.

I wish this show didn't air so much later in the UK.

The freakin' abandoned ship in Buck Rogers: Countdown to Doomsday. Its the second place you go and you might as well give up the whole game because half your team is going to get infected and ughhhh.

Yes yes yes. I love that game to pieces but Meat Circus is the woooooorst.

I know, right?

Yeah, you're probably right. I can understand the rationale for just moving past it, but even a passing reference to her brother would've been nice. Like TheLastMariachi said below, I think the closest thing was Hawkeye mentioning he owes her a debt, but nothing from Wanda herself.

I had that exact same thought about the memory glasses. Might be significantly harder to use them for that now.

Where do you think Howard was taking that serum, anyway?

That hit me much harder on a second watch.

Maybe in this version that's just a case of nepotism?

I would honestly watch a whole film of just Sam and Bucky barely tolerating each other.

I loved his ' did you really think I'd want there to be more of you?' Tonnes of motivation in one line.