
Good interpretation - T'challa has the resources and motivation, and Steve was there with him. Probably a best case scenario for him.

Her ' you could at least recognise me ' line seemed just a bit ambiguous, to me.

I mean, as you pointed out, even death is reversible in a comic book film, so if you don't count things that can be returned from as stakes, you're going to be disappointed. But the Winter Soldier did alter and dismantle SHIELD, and this film has altered and dismantled the Avengers. They might later come back

I think I agree with you on Winter Soldier - I know not everyone is a fan, but as soon as he was involved the film kicked up a gear (just like the previous film). Plus, how can you not like that railing move? Or the motorcycle? He best be back for Infinity War. Or Black Panther, possibly?

I don't know if I automatically agree that stakes = death, myself.

Well I completely agree about that, this should definitely be resolved by a trial rather than fixing murder with more murder.

And Hawkeye, when he tried to blow the Avengers out of the sky? Or Selvig, when he made a portal for an alien army to attack New York? Or do we only consider someone not responsible for their actions if the brain washing is magic?

Oh definitely. For a solid 10 seconds I really thought they had and I was both horrified and impressed by the ballsy-ness of it.

I wouldn't say top 5, but he booked it past all of those cars pretty fast, so not nothing special either. He -is- still a trained assassin.

As someone who regularly goes to the cinema to support non-franchise films, particularly of the action/sci-fi/genre-y type, I can't even begin to describe how annoyed I get at people criticising my affection for superhero movies with the ol' 'there's no other films coming out!' line.

I don't think its unimpeachable because the previous films were received well - for a start, the last Avengers film hasn't held up particularly well in critical opinion - but whichever way, if the critic finds something superior about BvS that's their prerogative. Having seen both I wouldn't agree, but, that's my

*Mild Spoilers*

To be fair, someone I know basically told me they were rooting for Tony and felt he was totally within his rights to respond that way pretty much just because they like Tony more than Bucky, so I'm guessing that sort of worked for some viewers.

They really did a good job making me like everyone in this film. There are so many highlights, but just a few:

1) isn't that essentially what he did by icing himself, potentially indefinitely, until they've worked out how to fix him? Given how fatalistic he seemed, I suspect if he didn't have Cap to dissapoint, he might have.

Oh I got a totally different impression of it - I thought he had a fairly simple plan that got more complicated because the situation was escalating, and as this guy has nothing but time and a mission, he was variously coming up with contingencies to pull it off. I can't think he was planning for things to go the way

Same. The more I ruminate on the film the more I like him. I love that he's just a man with some persistence, using his savvy. Its a pretty clever way of nodding to Marvel's 'villain problem '.

… I mean, I do? Also, this is still the third Cap movie… Where did you think they were going after the second one?

I super enjoyed this film, considering the sheer volume of spinning plates the Russo brothers had its truly impressive how well they pulled it off. So many scenes doing double or triple duty.

Late to the party but I'm so happy this show is back! With such a good episode, too.