
Definitely not. That's one stunningly beautiful guy.

Oh Jared, and to think at one point you were the one with their shit together. He's still my favourite, and his genuine devotion to Richard is as adorable as his metaphors are disconcerting.

Slade's a huge mess right up until he's cutting things in half. Up until then when he's constantly dying whilst Peter's over there just kicking ass, you're left wondering 'why are you even a character?!'

On the one hand - yessss more awesome Jon Bernthal! On the other hand, now I'm sad we're missing out on that sweet Frank/Foggy odd couple sitcom.

Ugh, Kiwi. I never felt like the trade off was worth it, flying and fire breathing be dammed. Slade, on the other hand….

I'm still a little bit miffed we didn't get at least one instance of the Punisher arriving with his minigun to an elaborate ninja horde battle, but yeah, I see your point. In my head there's a version of this show where DD/Elektra/Frank form an uneasy team to battle their united foe.

Positives: I loved 'Shining Star' playing when Karen got in the car. That was great.

Yeah I also thought that, and its a shame that didn't come to fruition, could've been a route to a more satisfying conclusion to both sides.

I'm probably going to boot up Shining Force II for the 10th time because of this shout out. I love that bloody game, even if I've never managed my goal of making Gerhalt the weredude as useful as I feel like he should be.

Oooh, very nice! I love the Balamb theme, and Blue Fields. FF8's soundtrack has some gems. I often find myself listening to piano versions of FF tunes to relax or work, actually, and most of them are nice to learn.

Shining Force II! I've spent so very many hours playing that game.

It really does. Lots of beautiful town themes, too, like the one that plays in Dali.

Meet my son, Convertible Bonds.

… Jack?

Andy will show up at midday, or episode three, and crash a motorbike into a wall on his way in.

This now absolutely has to happen.

Oh hell yes.

Also my rationale for voting.

A++ Fisk enunciation.

Word. Also, upvoted for 'giant fucking cockstack'.