
I'm sorry to hear that. Ninja fatigue is a terrible thing.

Step 3: Profit! Revenge!

Oh yeah, I know. I mean, I'm not entirely sure Frank really has a fantastic game plan when it comes to his defense (or much besides revenge, really) but he really did seem uncomfortable with the tale of his own 'heroism'.

Upvoted for commitment.


I thought Clancy Brown's testimony was really interesting - all the way through it I kept expecting the penny to drop because, lets be honest, that wasn't a particularly heroic story. I mean sure, it demonstrates he was able to get his men out alive, but he did so by killing a huge amount of people. To me it sounded

A recent play through of Until Dawn made me realise that game was destined to be played by a room full of friends (preferably total wimps), freaking out, throwing the controller at each other, and watching each other screw up.

Deadly Premonition might be my favourite game of all time but it plays like a broken box car. I'm willing to put myself through it again, but I'm far more willing to put my friends through it instead.

I think Dream Brother is my favourite Jeff Buckley track, followed by Last Goodbye, mostly because one of the first things I ever did when dating my SO was paint him a series of pictures based on the songs he listened to the most. Dream Brother was the best of them, but I must have listened to that song a hundred

I mean, that's a fair point. He does look like Jon Bernthal.

Just taking on a massive, pivotal legal case when said gang of evil ninjas are afoot.

That's probably true, and kind of a shame if they were deliberately side-stepping that. It just kind of makes a different, odder statement.

To be fair, he did point out that, in his own words "that wasn't when my life went to shit". Stillll a fairly good case for PTSD, there, Frank.

Interesting read, and I'd agree that's a really weird approach if that's what they were going for.

Mhmm. It would be generalising, so I wouldn't say its universally true, but these are characters living out fantasies we can't, so I think sometimes people object when there's someone reminding them to pay their bills/call their parents/go to work, etc.

I really liked the argument scene between Karen and Matt, it did a huge amount of character work whilst also working for some solid plot machinations (i.e pushing Matt and Karen apart), which is the kind of efficiency I like.

This was a great Foggy episode in a solid season for Foggy. I think 'sidekicks' and 'love interests' often get a lot of hate from fans because they are inevitably obstacles/symbols of responsibility that get in the way of the fun, so to speak, but I thought his take down in this episode was essential.

I swear Stan's been getting better looking as these movies progress. He's lookin' sharp on this press tour.

Well yeah. I just don't think I can process having to -endure- someone as delightful as Paul Rudd.

I'm not sure I can get my head round this.