Thethings Wedo4Love

I think it depends on the people you're playing with and against how good you will come out as. That's why Tasha's brain tribe sucked in the previous season, even though it had both Tasha and Spencer who are good in their own rights.Tasha and Jeremy against someone like Joe didn't really have much of a chance

Yeah in that Kimmi case, he was smart enough to go with his alliance members and trust them, instead of stupidly believe in his own read of the game. I think that says a lot about his game even if he was wrong about things. In the end, he always made the right decision.

Yeah i thought I missed something explaining where she'd gone too..

Big Mike, I'm usually not a fan of yellow food or clear liquids either.

Axl wanting to room with Sue in the first place was something he would definitely not do a few years back, considering he didn't even want her at the same college. I'm really looking forward to see how much further they evolve his character.

I'm not sure that would work, since everyone knew he was the one most in danger and obvious choice to go home had he not stayed to play in the challenge.

that's what I'm saying! I don't want to see it, but I almost hope that Joe goes on an immunity run and ends up in final 3.

Skye Summers is a horrible name.

Poetic; Stephen cried for not being able to take Joe out, and when he finally could that was his undoing.
I think Spencer may have played his hand a move too early. He could have benefited from having Joe gone as that would give him a higher chance at winning individual immunity. And he would still have the trust of

i like when this show includes current music

Ships… when you wanna go somewhere but slow and soaking wet.

Wes is so damaged. How long did he know Rebecca? I never understood his obsession with her. Out of the 5, he's the one that has inflicted the most physical harm to people, yet he is the most self righteous.

Good point. If that's what he's doing, I wish he'd allude to it in his confessionals.

Is anyone else bummed that the diaper business hasn't taken off?

sink hole*

Big moment for The Middle, Brick finally learnt to lie (bluff).

They actually do. In this episode one of them, either Ciera or Kelly, said in the her confessional 'where have you been for 25 days' regarding Fishback's plan to work with them. I think its not just a play but they actually believe that.

I picked up on his boyish ways this episode. it's really endearing.

Kieth's Spit

I think Fishback has repeated this idea so many times he has convinced himself and everyone else that that is what is happening. But it's really standard play, hence Jeremy being worried about fallout with Tasha and others in his alliance.