
Your argument is a blatant straw man. The the rights of accused people and the rights of victims are not diametrically opposed, and the punishment of individuals without any fair proceedings and who have in fact done nothing wrong in many cases does noting to protect rape victims, it does nothing to prevent rapes, it

Well if we lower our standards of punishment in a huge societal institution like college, we are stupid people. We should hold some kind of standard inner institutions. It doesn't have to rise to the level of criminal due process but what is going on here is basically authoritarian summary expulsions with zero chance

In fact they do not get “this”, in many of these proceedings the accused gets zero opportunity to defend themselves or present their interpretation as to what occurred, they certainly do not get council from someone older and more experienced. But many times even the basic act of letting the accused defend themselves

I think its abundantly clear that there is nowhere near enough evidence to enact such a harsh punishment on the accused, the urge t punish is one we should instinctively mistrust. Ask yourself if the campus is much safer now that this student is gone. There is no evidence that this person was a danger to the humans

well why not? give a good reason why such a lazy and unethical process should be accepted? Why should we summarily expel students for accusations without any chance to defend themselves, there is no good reason.

yea way to downplay how that would effect their lives. no shit if your kid is rapist that would be much worse, nobody would ever argue the opposite. Thats like me telling anyone who has something unfair done to them, like being imprisoned for 20 years, that it doesn’t matter cause they could’ve been killed or abused

what is he’s accused of something with zero evidence then summarily booted from school after 3 years. People do not like to talk about the reality that these boys booted from school are not allowed any process at all let alone due process. They are not even allowed to testify or say anything in their defense, not one

Nice argument. getting defensive and using your brown skin as an argument. Make an actual argument for Hillary you jackass, blaming white people for criticizing your stupid electoral opinions is not an argument.

you don’t know what inauthentic means? You actually think “then you go run for something” is anything even close to a reasonable answer? You are a dumbass. Next time I interview a black guy in prison for minor drug offenses, or I see a black person working for garbage wages at Burger King and they ask why out country

soon basically you got lucky... are you seriously suggesting the teachers at columbine or new town could’ve just de escalated the situation with words? bottom line the person chose not to kill you...thats called lucky.....the person was still in complete and total control of the situation because he had the only

yea I'm sure you'd feel the same way if you'd been in a room with a bunch of your friends with no weapon. listening to people die outside the room and knowing the shots are getting closer, while also knowing there is nothing you can do except sit their and hope the psycho doesn't choose your room. None of you people

sounds an awful lot like excusing pedophilia to me. “experience” with drugs and behavior? are you retarded? You could do tons of drugs and go to war and kill people when your 14 and that would not change the scientific fact that your brain is that of child....Experience does not compensate for being 14 fucking years

the point is he was the fucking do you people not understand the problem with this.. and if you look back on the actual facts the “relationship” was a result of constant sexual harassment. jesus christ

Can you explain to me what objective evidence you’ve seen (outside of general narratives in the media over the past two decades) that would suggest to you that Hillary is not a center right self interested politician? As a homosexual man I will not vote if she is the nominee simply for the fact that she REFUSED to