
It is rumored that US astronauts have a saying, “If it’s Boeing, we are not going.”


The teeth in the snout remind me of an alligator. Or was that my ex-wife?

It will not be long until it is revealed that Hillary Clinton gave him the shirt and it was all Nancy Pelosi’s plot to begin with.

BBQ works well.

No more Puppy Tartar. Cook them thoroughly.

Is there any proof that these people who create the ‘look’ of a long dead person have any credibility?

So when I was watching Schiff’s opening statement, I immediately recognized it for what it was and I did not think it appropriate for such a serious situation. However, since then, after watching the multi-day meltdown by the Loon-in-Chief, I have changed my mind. It now seems brilliant.

Great story. The first time I ever heard Car Talk I was in a traffic jam in MA. I was laughing so hard I almost drove off the road.

It seems obvious that with the effects seen, failure to detect or find that the Standard Model is somehow wrong.

I am a lifelong Yankee Fan, but I do love the Mets because they can even screw up losing. There is a right way, a wrong way, and the Mets way. Which is almost always worse. Met fans should just hope they don’t screw up the TV booth and accept their dire and fruitless fate.

It’s Jimmy Hoffa.

All it takes is money. Give it to NASA and they will go to the moon. But like his boss he is full of crap.

What could go wrong?

Do I watch this show first run or wait for the inevitable reruns, which will be around for years? The debate arises because this show is basically boring. They need to have more badass alien killers or more sciency stuff. I could care less if a certain character or another has a hangnail or harbors secret foot

I love being a Yankees fan. I’d commit suicide if I had to root for the Mariners.

A few thoughts - Science Does Not Care What You Believe - Darwin Awards - He has been skipping his meds - Hopefully he has no children - He would be a great addition to 45's cabinet - Stupid is as stupid does - He wants his 20 minutes - Before this year I would have said that no one could be this stupid but events of

the same effect can be had with a cigarette or a cigar.