
I am fairly certain we've seen those masks in the airport before, when Darlene was picked up by members of the Dark Army.

As divergent as the series was from the source material, they somehow found a way to wrap it back around completely. There are still some considerable changes in terms of characterization, but basically we're picking up after issue #4 at this point.

I feel like DeBlanc and Fiore meant separation from Heaven, not each other. Think Dogma.

Everyone seems to be forgetting that Silas came to tell Cal not just that he was a fraud, but that the movement itself was over.

You've lost me. They set up the recording equipment in the apartment. Jake listens to it to find Bill upstairs. Did he have a second house with another set of equipment? Asking for clarity.

What are you talking about? They literally discovered it was the right place by walking upstairs and talking to Oswald. It was the same house.

Why in the hell does Sadie not remember where Jake lived?! She brought him enchiladas there.

I enjoy the show, but I have a problem with the conceit from time to time.

It seemed to me that the breaking point for her was shooting the Wolf, only to realize he was helping Denise, which implied that Morgan wasn't entirely wrong.

They don't pay it off in the comics either. But it's Dale that's the tainted meat. Not Bob.

"Just based on his handling of Clark requesting Simpson’s hair sample only to have Cochran object to the amount of hairs which seems “unduly invasive,” Ito is in for a long trial."

That was "Luck," with Dustin Hoffman.

Eat it, beema.

So I guess I was the only one bothered by Jules's time traveling bus, which leaves Colorado right before Frank leaves to shoot the prince, and arrives in San Francisco before Frank even has to arrive at work for his blue collar job.

The thing that cemented its "reality" to me was the conversation with his doped up father, if indeed we learn that his father actually took drugs in Perth and believed he spoke with his son.

Sayid cam back, though not from a headshot. That's it. I guess they did a fake out with Frank Lapidus, but that wasn't as direct as say, what The Walking Dead did with [redacted].

Yes. They stated it outright.

Or he's the shapeshifter that impersonated Mohinder and is still dead. So is the Haitian. Tommy still makes no sense.

So, if Tommy/Nathan will absorb the power of any Evo he gets closer to, then why didn't he absorb Angela's power when he visited is Great Grandmother?

More simply, I thought it showed that what The actually saw was a trick of light, hyped up by the drugs, adrenaline, and UFO hysteria of the era. Can't explain the watch, though.