
Does anybody really think that anyone - male or female - who they see on tv who’s over 45 (to be generous) is NOT wearing Spanx?

this is neither here nor there, but when I was younger, I had “canard” and “pitard” mixed up and several times uttered something about someone being “hoisted on their own canard” to blank stares.

I think he would have been perfectly fine for another 2-3 seasons if they wanted to give it proper time to finish strong. His stress came from the show ending, not being in it for so long.
I just hope he doesn’t feel bad because of all the people disappointed by the final season, everyone is praising the actors and

Hi there Judgey-McJudgey. I feed my 13 month old & 3 year old these things too. They love it. Not all sushi is raw. Edamame can be cut up. Pomegranate seeds are small enough for little people’s mouths. I’m not sure what you mean by food being “hard on such a young child’s digestive system”. Little people eat all kinds

He told a story on Graham Norton that he came up with an idea that after filming he was going to smoothly say “Not anymore” when people asked “aren’t you Jon Snow?”, but the first time someone asked him after filming ended, he immediately started crying when he said it.

Stormi is setting that baby trap. They spend that first year of eating solids consuming a wide variety of foods and you think “I did it! I introduced a wide variety of foods and my kid will not be a picky eater.”

Agreed, it has to be difficult to catapult to fame because of a role that everyone loves and then that role ends, and you are no longer that character.  I feel bad for him, he seems sweet.

I can only imagine. He went from having no screen credits at all to being one of three main characters in the biggest HBO show ever (he was a stage actor before getting cast). 

Please tell me she kept that fax. Not because it’s from Moby (because who cares) but because an 11-page breakup fax has got to be quite a sight.

Natalie Portman was 18 in 1999 when he claims the brief romance happened.

I hope she kept it.

Because if a woman accuses you of being creepy when she was barely out of childhood, the go to is to double down and insist that you almost certainly fucked. What a creep.

My girlfriend has a name for those dudes. SNAGs. Sensitive New Age Guys. They’re always more outraged about someone eating a steak than women being sexually assaulted.

“via 11-page fax” 

Moby briefly dated a very young coworker of mine, then broke up with her via 11-page fax. she would’ve preferred he just ghosted.

Moby was one of those artists I was embarrassed to listen to even though I liked a few of his songs. He seems like the guy to be all “I like yoga, wear glasses, am vegan and into transcendental meditation. I’m safe! Now fuck me.” Guys like him are just a creepy as the overly aggressive frat bros.

The Guardian article says he did this with . . . Donald Trump.

dude...just stop...I’m sorry that I bought a cd of Play 20 years ago & haven’t sent it to Half-Price Books yet.

Man, Moby is a dick.

Moby tried to make out with my wife when she was still in college. She shot him down.