You need all 3.
You need all 3.
I missed important foreshadowing because I had to piss.
It’s not like this post is apropos of nothing: the soundtrack is on track to break some records. It’s vaguely newsworthy...but if you want them to stop doing ASIB posts, stop clicking on them, and definitely stop commenting on them! The more traffic they get, the more they’ll do them!
Only Donald Trump could make me side with Ansel Elgort. Congratulations universe, you fucking win.
Dehydrate yourself beforehand. The movie is over 2 hours long and I cursed myself for having that giant diet coke bc i had to get up to pee and missed a key moment.
And I cry at almost everything and didn’t cry much during the movie -- more afterward listening to the soundtrack and thinking about the movie.
A Star is Born’s main demographic audience has a large overlap with Jezebel’s writer and audience demographic.
Don’t listen to the soundtrack ahead of time. It’s kind of spoilery (in terms of figuring out the arc of the movie). Have fun! (PS: I only needed 1 tissue.)
You WILL need a glass of wine to just “sit with”.
He’s like a rough draft that could get there with more detail work from the sculptor. Or, as I like to think of it, a photo loading over a dial-up connection where the lower portion containing the body filled in first, and the head and face are still pixelated.
i kinda feel that way, too. could see them trying again.
For me he becomes handsome when he dances or talks: he’s very funny and talented. Just standing around or in pictures he’s like an off brand Ken doll you get at Dollar Tree.
But. But. Yeah, it’s true. Great ass though.
Yea, I should have mentioned him as well but I guess I only commented on Ariana because of the mentions of her dark mood since Millers death. Pete has been through a lot during his life, and I really dislike how much shit people give him. I see a lot of his behaviors as ways of him coping with what he has been…
I’m really glad you said that- I feel like I’m the only Pete fan sometimes. I’m not thrilled about the way he’s been joking about her, but I think he’s generally a good guy.
I absolutely hate listening to him talk about her and their relationship. It reminds me of a really abusive relationship I was in where my boyfriend constantly talked about how he was beneath me and waiting for me to leave him and loved to tell his friends intimate details of our relationship. I couldn’t stand it. When…
Have you seen 21 Jump Street? The man is hilarious.
Mac Miller could be one factor. Or, as she watched the SNL taping on Saturday, she took a good look at who she was engaged to and realized that there are better options for her than this immature idiot.
I like your story, but it made me lol that in canada the moral of the history lesson is the US are dicks bc here in the US, the moral is WE ARE HEROES YOU MUST LOVE US! It wasn’t until I was roughly in high school and I developed my own history reading that I learned the truth that we are, in fact, dicks.
I’m a liberal-leaning person writing for a newspaper in small-town, gun-slinging, highly conservative Missouri. My editor and I have a constant, background worry about printing something that makes someone mad enough they waltz into our basically security-free office and mow us all down. Our building is over 100 years…
So bear with me with the set up, it’s important. My best friend’s father was a funeral director, as was his father and his grandfather. They’ve run the same funeral home for like 100 years. The building itself is comprised of the “old” part, built in the early 1900s and the “new” part, an addition in the 1970s. The…