It was announced on Friday that Brian Gitta, a software engineer from Uganda, has become the youngest person to…
The cultural significance and impact of Black Panther will never die, but the superhero has a special place in the…
Love this. Krasner is doing good things in our city. Is it enough to undo years of cruel policies and enforcement? no. It’s not. But it’s a start in the right direction.
When representation of a group is absent or near absent, then any representation will be welcomed at first; even if it is stereotypes and #face-acting by another ethnicity. As time goes on and representation increases so the quality of that representation needs to improve too or appreciation will drop. The Simpsons is…
Actor and comedian Terry Crews, the most visible male member of the #MeToo movement, shared some very real talk at…
Galaxy Quest is a phenomenal movie and if they ruin it with a shitty television adaptation I will never forgive them. Fuck that.
Is it really necessary for such a serious statement after 8 months of dating? That isn’t even the full gestation of an actual baby.
Thank you Joel McHale. I’d extend that moratorium to the new usage of the term “curated.” Putting a bunch of makeup samples in a box does not make you a “curator.”
Me too!
I love the internet. I love the fact that everyone’s got a camera on them that can send pics to any other camera in the world. But for most of human history, the tiny handful of complete dipshits would basically fly under the radar. People would see them, role or avert their eyes, and then try to forget them. Now they…
You know what else shouldn’t be tax exempt? Any church!
An omelette for Sarah Jessica Parker on her 50th birthday [Daily Mail]
Of course Jessica Biel ordered the turkey melt. Jessica Biel and Justin Timberlake are a living turkey melt — take the blandest slab of meat on white bread and add cheese.
Jamal's spent his whole life craving his father's love and acceptance. Cookie was always the one to support and defend him, so naturally he took it for granted. So now when Lucious offers him the prize (which we all know will be yanked away in a cruel and humiliating manner) Jamal jumps at it. When he gets…
It's so...floppy.