
Yeah but his presence would really help take a lot off the platelet of the rookies you know? Veteran presence etc. etc.

From the player’s perspective, I get it. I’m sure Bosh wishes he was out on the court with every fibrin of his being.

So we have a bare copper rod with 120V on it - what could go wrong?

I thought for sure that he was going to apologize to the infant fly community.

“I’m not a geologist” you should have stopped there.

I am a remote sensing geologist, I do my work from the air. No, it would not affect the plate thrusts. You get land depression from huge ice sheets (kilometers think), but the ocean basins are not affected in that way. These faults are not working in an up and down motion or strain in that manner. The plate movement

The NBA is, and will forever be a better product than college basketball and I will fight any of you jabronis who disagrees with me.

Hello, real life sysadmin here

Actually, under the current NBA rules, which appear to have been applied correctly here, the first play (and probably the second, although the view is obstructed) was legal.