
In other news, Italian geologists are currently packing up and moving to the nearest non-extradition country.

If I actually design these out to look like it might actually be a real, will you review them to get the hype up and prank other websites thinking these are real?

Gary Johnson said he’d give me a piggyback ride if I published this

Usually Redford’s articles just contain factual errors. Good to see he’s expanded his repertoire to grammatical errors as well.

Why did he take the lid into the woods???

“It must really suck to be friends with Gilbert Arenas.”

Lupica’s got some nerve ragging on Durant for joining the Warriors while simultaneously wearing Steph Curry’s sneakers.

counter-counter point: read the whole thread

the comment i was replying to expressed regret the Celtics did not trade for him. context, man. context.

As always, Virginia leading the way in employee protections.

Why do that when you can embrace the power of positivity, and you know... not lose a 3-0 lead?

Don’t wear championship merch.

You don’t even understand that burrito bowls are better how am I supposed to trust your sports takes now

Look, it happens. You have a fair bit of success and it makes you get a big head.

He cycled all the time in his playing days

Did I ever tell you about the time I went horseback riding with Connor Cook’s dad, but there weren’t any horses around? Well, his dad throws a saddle on my back and rides me around Wyoming for three days. Well, wouldn’t you know it, my stamina increases with each day and I develop tremendous leg muscles. So anyway,

Rajvir is a common Punjabi name that means “Lion King,” which is I think is pretty cool. Sikh name, kid.

Not only have I explained why and how the sentence is more confusing that it can/could/should be, but I’ve also demonstrated how it could be made more clear with the movement of one word.

Pretty sure my version makes meaning much clearer. What is “roster turnover competitive?”

“. . . who has impressively kept a Pacers team that’s been repeatedly undermined by injuries and roster turnover competitive.”