
Oh, what a perfect show. Beats everything else available on TV right now. And I do love the recurring piano score so much, I have started playing it for myself. Rick Astley was also perfect, in a totally not ironic way, I thought. Sung by Ghost Patti. Priceless.

Her name is "Franka", and her accent intentionally more Germanized than what she's capable of, unlike Diane playing an English native speaker.

That's the beauty of it. The show states the question if religion is harmful, necessary, superfluous etc. — but just leaves it unanswered, up to the viewer. So far, that is…

Babelfish was wrong, it would be "KostenlosE Süßigkeiten". However, printing "Free Candy" on a truck might attract the children masses in Alabama, in Berlin it would most likely stir suspicious amusement at best.