
Thank you. This guy is literally garbage. For fourteen years he’s cheated on her, then accused her of cheating on him. He controls all the money and, while her name is on the account, and while she makes as much as he does, she is given a $40 weekly allowance for gas and lunch. If she is five minutes late, he accuses

The employer(s) are saints! I had a situation where we knew one of our employees was being abused. She frequently was late or absent from work. As her supervisor I not only was told we couldn’t even mention that we knew, but I had to write her up for lateness and absenteeism & have a meeting with her. At this meeting

My BFF at a small company where it was realized one of the women was in a domestic violence situation when her BF became unstable and would wait outside for her at work, etc.

I wish we had this in Ohio! I'm in the process of helping a good friend pack her shit and get her and her son away from her abusive husband (he's never hit her but we all know that's not the only kind of abuse). We've had to plan a Black Ops level extraction over a weekend when he isn't going to be home, and we have

That’s so awesome! I’ve been doing what I can for battered and homeless women in my own little corner of the world- setting aside money every month to buy tampons, pads, formula and towels for a couple of the women’s shelters in our area. I even bought one of them a new DVD player and some movies for their kids for

I came here expecting something terrible. I'm pleased to be wrong.