The SwanMan

It’s actually only so-so for an espresso machine.  The grinder is sub-par, the temperature control is inconsistent, and it’s reliability isn’t too great either. 

It’s actually only so-so for an espresso machine.  The grinder is sub-par, the temperature control is inconsistent,

“Too often, to get the latest and greatest car, and the very people who advertise cars know you have this instinct, and they prey upon it:”

I read somewhere “I’m sorry” just means “a speech in one’s own defense”. It’s bullshit. If I kick your dog and say “I’m sorry I kicked your dog”, I’m just hoping you’ll say “oh it’s ok” so I’ll feel better.

Bowser!!! has really good tv reviews.

Tom Brady jetted in from Buffalo, dove into the bottom of the scrum, deflated the ball and handed it to Seattle. He felt bad for the Super Bowl.

Arenabowl was Saturday night, pitting the San Jose Sabrecats vs the Jacksonville Sharks whose QB is none other than...Tom Grady. I hope they checked ball pressure.