hmmm, it seems like good value for 15 dlls
hmmm, it seems like good value for 15 dlls
we have to make those 2 the covers, the classic doom throwback as standard and the black one as the secondary
i will try out the rebalanced combat, if i have to play it more tactically im happy
man rebels is kinda weak so far
Dark souls souls story and some elements of its gameplay use the multiverse theory like bioshock infinite, but instead of using it for story only it uses it for gameplay therefore the sings, summons of other players, etc... i like to think that people who dint finish dark souls are the one that went hollow
one of the things i will say about PC gaming, if PC is not the lead platform... wait a few weeks or something
oh no, ill lose the ability to play MKX ONLINE, oh dear god what a tragedy, its a good thing the rollback netcode is gonna be a thing, for consoles at least, was gonna skip KP2 since my only way to play Fighting games is online and with bad netcode no reason to play online,
wow i am happy that a good group of fans like new vegas more than fo3,
halo 5 campaing was a fiasco, but the MP is the best when it comes to arena, BTB was better in halo 3
im soooo happy about KI season 1, i got season 2 not to long ago, now i just need to buy Shago and im ready to GET bodied
this is great in my opinion the combat vs human oponents is bad, and the frame rate on consoles does not help
both of them are repetitive but Tw3 quests and side quests had more context and story to them, FO4 conversations where nerfed to modern bioware levels, the gameplay in fallout 4 is more refined and responsive and in a few months more people will be playing fo4 because of its content, mods and replay value, the witcher…
i feel rly rly bad for the people who romanced jacob in ME2 like lol he’s so lame and ends up getting another girl pregnant and dumps femshep ,
my mic just died out of nowhere, kinect dam only scrubs use kinect as a mic, ok not scrubs but people who use kinect are annoying with their game sound
lol hammer guy would have killed him anyway...
the titans k.d skyrocketed with their new super ,mofos can kill entire temas free, and are near imposible to kill
hammers are OP, lets get over it, while GG used to be the best pvp super hammers break or make a game in IB, a single titan can wipe out an entire team free, a GG hunter can get team shoted and only get 1 or 2 kills some times none, hammers give you extra protection but wait theres more a kill regens life, drop the…
wellp good thing this is before halo 5 launches because why play Destiny PvP when you can play an actual competitive FPS, only the gear is the only thing cool about trials, at least the meta wont be thorn shotgun, now its gonna be X primary and shotgun... maybe some snipers that have a ridiculous amount of aim assist…
i don’t know why i dint like this, maybe i dint like the animation of them running it look wired also none of the kills where cool or anything