
I think it's helpful to recognize that when we say white people do x, or black people do x, we're generally talking within a very specific USA framework and not the plurality of people who share a skin tone around the globe. So what listenlive and that slate article are arguing is that within American culture white

Or, you can stop being a pretentious douchebag.

"we got a fair amount of white guys..."

This is really difficult to say, but if you want to fix the problem, it seems relevant to me. There is a strong cultural component to street harassment and sexism in general; your cultural background is likely to strongly influence your attitudes towards these issues. I honestly believe that the "taboo" about bringing

"Came out" to who? And why?

You know Catholicism was banned in 1933 and Catholic schools closed in Deutschland, right? Bavarian person here (the Catholic south) of the reasons the early instantiations of Gestapo headquarters was in München was to prevent the southern kingdom rebelling. Not saying anything like #NotAllGermans, but the fate

Ben was freaking out because he hasnt had his opinion challenged in several years because he only hangs out with people who agree with everything he says.

"If you disagree, name one country where people can live freely under Islam."

Are you kidding? On this website it would get torn apart with some bullshit about how they're trying to emphasize boyish qualities and crushing her femininity because blah blah blah patriarchy

I'd argue that it's more important to educate children on the kinds of touch that are okay.

It's a valid question and you played the rape culture card which you thought was unassailable. It might affect her developmentally if she's not presented with the idea that yes, she does indeed have obligations to her family which include positive expressions of affection. She's a human in the world, not just her

No you twat it sounds like hug your grandmother even if you're 3, have the intelligence of an exceptionally bright pig and need to learn how things are done. It has nothing to do with rape culture. You have a family, they love you - socialize your goddamn children. She's going to raise a narcissistic little basket

Grandmas exist to hug their grandchildren. To deny them that because a little girl is shy seems like the world turned upside down. Like I said, I get where OP is coming from I just seriously doubt it has anything to do with being a victim of anything.

The fuck is wrong with you? Rape culture is a culture that encourages or at least turns a blind eye to rape. Traditions of physical contact upon greeting/departing are not rape.

So, I think there might be a giant, gaping, canyon between "molesting children," and "hugging people," but maybe I'm wrong.

I think that's a harsh interpretation of what the OP is saying. Being shy doesn't necessarily mean you don't want to do something, it could also mean you lack the courage to do it. Perhaps his/her parents making him hug his grandparents taught him/her that there wasn't anything to be afraid of and helped him/her

Wow, way to take what I say and make something completely new out of it. Neat.

Why do you make all these uninformed assumptions about how these women feel and how they will treat their child? You know nothing at all!

She has a fair gripe. She was impregnated with sperm she did not consent to receiving. She consented to receive one man's sperm and received another whom she did not consent to - in

Pretty big deal to switch the race, not to mention THE SELECTED DONOR.

A parent can teach a kid not to be racist in a racist town. A parent cannot always protect a kid from racism in said racist town.