
No, you are completely wrong. I generally agree with you re: Yoo and think that a great deal of what was allowed during the early part of the "War on Terror" was bullshit, I just think that instead of silencing dissent people should respond to it in an open exchange of ideas. I am not afraid of allowing people to

So doubling down by criminalizing a legal opinion drafted in an official capacity. Nice. Everyone involved in geopolitics has a role in death, torture, discrimination etc. Literally 100% of people for instance that have any role at the Justice Department. I'm sure it wouldn't be the least bit chilling to start

You went to Cal-Berkeley and think academic freedom is blah blah blah? God, read one book about the 60's. That institution stood for unpopular beliefs, a great part of its identity derives from it. Wanting to hear your own beliefs regurgitated to you without ever being challenged is the antithesis of being a

No, Matt Damon is what everyone thought Ben Afflack was. It is just taking time for everyone to figure it out.

I'm sorry but this is just a bridge too far. And you could just as easily argue that a child that hasn't been socialized in a way to know what normal physical contact is won't understand what is wrong. That is part of being a child. You are treated like a child. And all these people who say "would you make an

Appreciate the thought. I think one thing is that when writing about these subjects people should, as you did very well, draw distinction between personal feelings and pseudo-psychology.

But children have to do a lot of things they don't want to do. If you are not focusing on hugging, would you apply the same logic to brushing their teeth, getting shots, using a seat belt, etc.? Children are not able to make decisions for themselves. They have not learned social customs. I just think this singling

But you are just assuming that making little Johnny hug grandma has some effect on that. Can you prove that it does? I agree with your conclusion, it is your premise I'm having trouble with.

Who says they are related? That is how this writer feels and it is based on her own issues. I could just as easily say that my mom not making me hug people made me not understand I was being molested later on because I didn't understand what normal physical contact was. Being molested doesn't make you an expert on

Yeah of all the responses to this article I'm most perplexed by the indignation that an attorney would do their job.

You are a real piece of shit.

Basically torts 101 is that when you file suit you make every claim that could possibly stick. It would basically be malpractice for the plaintiff's attorney not to do this. It doesn't make her a bad person. The judge/jury are there to determine what damages are appropriate.

The parking lots aren't out of their control - and a lot of places at least ban kegs and funnels. Sure, you can't do anything about what they do in bars or at home away from the stadium, but the parking lot is where the trash gets wasted. Honestly I don't think the beer served in the stadium has any effect, but that

Hey, I'm not saying they shouldn't do that. I'm saying that the stories that make headlines shouldn't be the only thing deciding policy. Presumably it is good for the team/stadium to reduce incidents and whatever most effectively does that should be done. Sometimes it looks like a lot of the safety measures are

I don't know, given that there are about 800,000 people at an NFL stadium across the country on any given weekend, the fact is there are going to be incidents. You would find incidents with a sample size that large anywhere. I'd be interested to know if there actually is more violence now, or if it is just being

Well there is a chicken-egg element to this (basically a shithead like this doesn't need alcohol to be a shithead, but he probably likes it anyway). But that aside, how sober do you think this guy was upon entering the stadium? Probably had already drown a pint and a couple oxys before the game even started.

Brandon Bolig's dot is on St. Charles MD instead of St. Charles MO.

I mean, I see them as problematic. Just not so much racist as stupid. I mean, maybe they are racist in some way too, but my overwhelming takeaway from watching this is "these guys are fucking morons."

I mean that is fine. But pretending to steal someone's gas isn't a joke. It is asking to get your ass kicked. I'm actually impressed by the restraint that some of these people show.

I don't know. From what I've seen the videos are these idiots that agitate people and often get what is coming to them. I mean, I hate these videos too, but I hate them because it is just some assholes trying to get attention from being stupid.