Morality shouldn't be an issue. Cowardice is the problem here
Morality shouldn't be an issue. Cowardice is the problem here
If you guys would post the nude pictures of the famous prostitutes, you wouldn't have to post shit like this.
Only the vagaries of fate distinguish notable stitutes like Jennifer Lawrence and Scarlett Johanson from what's her name and Susie Whosit?
It's funny because all of those "actresses" are actually prostitutes.
Whatever. Read his social media and get back to me. He could drink his own pee and it would still turn young women into mush.
I promise to take care of your animal, and to water your plants when you are on vacay.
Tell her to call me if she ever wants to do porn.
you can post their pictures. It's not racist to do that.
Kind of reminds me of the McClintock effect for some reason. Which brings to mind the kind of brainwave entrainment that happens at concerts or when people work effectively in groups.
This was my last one
one of my old sparring partners is not very far out of line for the UFC heavyweight championship. He wouldn't be if he'd taken my advice.
it's a long story, man. I'm actually a prodigious cage fighter but my sport is an absolutely disgusting thing to be a part of. It's weird.
I promise you she loves the D.
also... she's kind of fat and not conventionally attractive. So they can lean on that because they like to shame the uggos even though their female peons are the only remotely fuckable employees here at Gawker.
She pretends to be friends with Lena Dunham so Gawker media is honor bound to hate the multi-millionaire in her early twenties because she hasn't gotten her shit packed in by the pretend glass ceiling that's keeping all these shitty writers grinding for some fag.