The sun makes it warm

That's the PR director. Definitely feels staged.

For the longest time, I didn't know that Shaq played basketball

Avoidance and devaluation in 4 words and a picture. That is efficient use of defense mechanisms.

Congrats on not being pregnant. Someone in the village would have to feed that thing.

Immasculating society is part of a social engineering ploy to bring about world government. It's not a regional concern. There is nowhere to run.

not if you're into marketing.

Pretending to be an elderly person talking shit to regional tv personalities sounds like it would be a fun troll.

I hope you prayed that she'd see the good in things.

Maybe I've already done that.

That's mean spirited, but it's ok. You get another chance tomorrow.

the JC troll? Amateur level.

sounds like you really have your shit together. Good job.

It sounds like common sense but there is a lot of resistance to the idea.

Sure. But they're referred to as ATM machines at least as often as they're referred to as ATMs. I get why you're pissed, though.

Come on... I'm not saying that women have equal footing in the corporate landscape. I'm saying that the roles of men and women in the production of a stable and functionally efficient society are inherently different.

Don't psychoanalyze me. Somebody needs to speak truth to whoredom... I'm in an excellent mental state.

"while men can be anything they please"... Like an ex-convict who has to work in a kitchen and on a roof while selling drugs to cover alimony/child support for that ungrateful bitch?

"while men can be anything they please"... Like an ATM machine for the great succubus because he's got alimony and child support because the ex decided to take Eat,Pray,Love a little too seriously?

"while men can be anything they please"... like addicted to amphetamine salts because of negligent parenting and schooling?