Zenyatta can be very effective when paired with a Lucio or Mercy. His attacks+discord orb can do some real damage but you have to be careful and know where the cover is as even a Widow body shot will kill you.
Zenyatta can be very effective when paired with a Lucio or Mercy. His attacks+discord orb can do some real damage but you have to be careful and know where the cover is as even a Widow body shot will kill you.
D.Va is more a flanker/tank hybrid. If she can get behind the enemy she can shred people and she can nullify/reduce certain certain ults (Pharah, Reaper) with good timing and positioning.
I posted this on my Facebook page so I'll post it here too;
Small Gods will forever have a place close to my heart though any Watch book's gonna score highly.
Wish I could give you 10,000 up votes for that DW ref!
Seriously, Anthony Mackie need to be in more things. He's got crazy charisma in that film.
I really liked that central relationship. The kid actor was suprisingly not annoying! It didn't try to force or manufacture conflict (and that alone makes it unsuitable for some people) and, as you said, it was very low-key.
I saw "Chef" on Friday. A very pleasant amuse bouche (oh yeah, culinary pun!). It's not going to rock your world but if you're in the mood for a feel-good film I'd thouroughly recommend it.
IIRC her partner/friend/whatever confessed to the crime. Columbo knew that he'd be cleared eventually but that time would allow her to die in peace at home rather than a prison cell. Say what you will about Columbo but he's a classy guy.