TWOC - Taken Without the Owner's Consent 5
TWOC - Taken Without the Owner's Consent 5
Bluestone 42. Not a satire (it's a sitcom), not a film (it's a TV series), not about US forces (it's UK troops), not Middle East (it's Afghanistan) but it's damn funny.
Don't want to make you feel old, but the Gamecube came out 15 years ago, not the N64.
Sheriff J.W. Pepper "What are you? Some kinda doomsday machine boy?"
Skill man, that's well good.
'occupation' of Belfast is the wrong word, they're British troops on British soil. No more than the National Guard 'occupied' parts of the Southern US during desegregation.
Moon was poor - great concept but really came apart. Too much noise for a director who said he was in part inspired by 2001. And the ending… why, it still doesn't make much sense why the big evil corporation would spend so much on doing that.