
Kinja is pretty garbage and I can’t believe that townhall newspeak about how its better for us (though all townhalls are by their nature politicized garbage).

I'm sorry, its tough for me to watch anything from Bigelow after the brazen propaganda of Zero Dark Thirty. Not only was it explicitly made with the help of people with interests in the military but its awards and subsequent threat gave lots of cover to pretty horrible US interests. I'll pass on this.

He's a Republican, so…

How are you *always* the first commenter?

Eh. I didn't love it. I thought it was too campy and I hated how much kid/lady OMGGGG SCREAMING ALL THE TIME there was.



The Trump presidency!

Way too sweet. Its super overrated. I'd take a miller over gansett, sorry yupsters

Yup. We picked the world's worst possible candidate and with her DNC zombies she picked the world's worst possible vice president, and we got smacked really hard for it. Its depressing and horrifying.

Ah, the wonders of capitalism!!

Beautiful written!

This. Not sure why the AVclub reviewer just skims over this with "oh cozy, nothing to see her dur dur dur". This reminds me of the dudes who are like "smile, don't be offended when a man talks to you, you should appreciate it"

But not a very good one…

But you have the internet right? I mean its easy to get…

Also, in this day and age, who wants to give one dime to a movie about cops?

Yes, thats the most cromulent explanation for his comment you coulda come up with.


Upvote for being drunk early…

But the hate is too strong!