
To be fair, I don’t think Trump was referring to Langer when he said “that German guy had some interesting thoughts.”

The production version actually had it integrated into the windshield, but the panel gap was just so huge that it looked like a traditionally mounted mirror.

Took a photo of this sweet rally blue bugeye WRX in Columbus.

Mom: Okay Derrick, make sure you’re washed up before dinner.

That article left out the best part:

Yes. Write more about things that almost happen.

(Radio guy hates John Wall because his father was absent.)

I for one am 100% confident that I will never crash a Bugatti Chrion.

You’ve got to be kidding me. The Chiron has been further even more decided to use even go need to do look more as anyone can.

Ben Carson went to Yale and he thinks the pyramids were built for grain storage.

Relax guys - dude’s arm is covering the part about bringing all the jobs back and getting tougher with China on trade.

I think it’s time we torch this continent and start over.

No idea!

-San Diego Chargers.

Seriously. That’s Madness.

Execution seems like an overreaction. I prefer a policy that just lox ‘em up.

I hope this doesnt mean hes not sending my money.

Jesus Walter.

I already have herpes and a piece of shit car.

I want to go as Drew on chopped but I can’t find a store that sells a shirt even remotely as bad as that one

Are we sure, I mean really sure, he’s not actually on Philly’s roster?