I currently own a Citroen with hydractive suspension that I recently used to carry concrete and sand for my bathroom renovation, a 2004 Land Rover Range Rover that is Level B4 armored (my city car) and a Subaru Tribeca that I got for no good reason.
I currently own a Citroen with hydractive suspension that I recently used to carry concrete and sand for my bathroom renovation, a 2004 Land Rover Range Rover that is Level B4 armored (my city car) and a Subaru Tribeca that I got for no good reason.
I was there seconds before this happened, we are seeing the two biggest issues in this highway, A Jetta (which 90% of México population thinks is a sports car) and a motorbike (they always race in that highway).
If I woke up tomorrow and I was a 16 year old about to get my license and had 25 grand for a first car, I’d want a late model Toyota Sienna. Think about it.
Is Fernando faster than it?
People who hate fun.
Fair, but the sum doesn't seem to be worth it imo.
I mean have you seen The Sopranos?
Awesome story, thanks for posting.
Easiest question ever: ALL OF THEM ARE UNDERUSED!
Ah yes... developing markets. How long until we see that Citroën being sold here in Brazil with an even crappier gasoline engine and getting rave reviews from the press for its modern project?
I'm in Portland right now and was at the track all day. It was pissing rain there for hours straight, and there were 3-4" deep puddles of standing water all over. Everyone out there was utterly soaked and my whole video is me drifting at like 25 mph with 100 mph wheelspin because of how shit the conditions were.…