The Star Wipe

No, it's two different things. $1000 for the car, and also you can rent his baby for $999.

E: I am your husband
V: my husband is Heath Ledger
E: Is he walking.

Sorry, that was meant to be to Cookie_Monster.

Downvoted! Everyone likes cranberry sauce.


The weapons contain potassium benzoate!

They stole my film editing technique joke! Dammit.


They filmed Wrongfully Accused at my university when I was there, and I remember they had one building dressed as a prosthetic arm factory or something, with waving arms mounted on the roof. And I think I watched them film a bit where Leslie Nielson almost runs into a plate of glass that some people are carrying? It

I made this account for posting on The Dissolve! But then I never felt the need to post there. And now nobody will get the joke.
