The Starship Maxima

As others have said…this is gross oversimplification. And very misleading. Such is the danger of using anecdotes as statistical evidence.

I personally agree with your take. For that duplicitous white hoe to do everything she did to him, he'd have been well and truly justified with bashing her skull in. But by refusing, he's like "I'm STILL better than you" even after all that happened.

Point taken.

I think Baakus is saying that while we are not accepted in their society, we've found a certain comfort level and adeptness in dealing with their society.

LC, there's a difference between ordinary workaday folks and someone like Tomi Lahren. Mind you, I have a ton of white friends and a fair number of white romantic partners, but the truth is the truth.

As others have said, Trevor Noah (who I like) was chosen for that purpose. She was never going to go on with Roland Smith or Dr. Boyce Watkins or even Al Roker because if she had; they would've been the f**king Death Star and she would have been a planet reduced to rubble.

At this point I'm rolling my eyes so far back that I can see my brain cells dying in real time.

Darth Molly! HA!

I have no idea what you're talking about. I'm ALL about Stacey Dash. She has some unintelligent opinions but she's hawt. Way hotter than a run-of-mill and not-impressive-at-all Tomi Lahren.

I understand. There are plenty of people for whom I can have admiration/attraction in one area and not in another.

It's also entirely possible Rogen was neither "worshipping" the guy nor denigrating his sacrifice, but making a simple observation, and that it was everyone else who blew a mole hill into Mt. Kilamanjaro.

Alternate Headline: Adult Man Overestimates The Reading Comprehension Ability Grown People And Underestimates Their Ability To Be Offended By Air Itself